Sunday, July 27, 2014

Making the Transition:Evaluate

       Everyone will tell you transition is not easy. As our worlds become more and more intertwined with checking email at home and board meetings done by phone. I find the greatest asset we can use to concentrate our impact with our home and business lives are elimination. I have been on a journey in my life and practice of coaching to eliminate all the excess. The truest way to impact your business and your life is to systematically examine your functions in order to evaluate how well it is serving you, your family or your business.

    Personally I am in the process of moving and the most significant changes for me have been weeding through home pieces in order to evaluate the usefulness. Taking this time before moving allows me to get rid of or pare down to the essentials. A non profit I work with also evaluates at least twice a year the processes that are working and the processes that are no longer working. I have seen first hand how being able to evaluate the effectiveness of systems and processes will change your business, and expand your impact.

Being able to evaluate systems and processes that are no longer bringing the desired results for your business and home will allow you the freedom to build and expand. This incisive change will further business and invest in your family.  Give yourself the opportunity to succeed fully!

I would establish a set of questions to ask in these situations to verify how each system or process is working for the business. 

As I have built my own practice I ask myself:

-What is the focus of my impact?

-Does this system or process follow my impact focus?

-Does this system or process add to the bottom line in regard to dollar revenue vs time spent?

-Would my business be impacted negatively if I stopped?

-Who is targeted by this system or process?

-Am I spending too much time on this system or process?

-Am I using this as a time filler so I can stay busy?

This is a partial list, of course you should tailor the questions you are asking to your specific business or situation. This is the first section in the transition series. so take the next few days to challenge yourself with the deep questions about your business. The depth of the questions you are willing to ask yourself reveal the depth of change possible. 

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