In business I feel we are losing the personal touch. I firmly believe that every place you've been develops you as a person. I am honored as I take the time to count my blessings from my prior employer, and survey all I get to take with me. An excellent quote from my supervisors desk, "You are serving a customer, not a life sentence. Learn how to enjoy your work." ~ Laurie McIntosh.
The value I take with me are the people I was able to connect with and share a bit of life. Wherever you work, whatever you're doing take time for people. A call center I worked at coached this philosophy, each person weather internal or external who came on your line deserved your very best. At the end of the day products and systems even businesses can go under but people remain. You can spend your time at war with your desk mate or you can invest in them and watch the true value they carry come forward. As you move through situations take a moment to walk in their shoes. Use every skill you have in observation and listening. If you need a refresher on how to listen well, I refer to the listening master's ted talk here . If you truly have your eye on the prize, you understand you will get there by investing in relationships. Companies have invested research into being cost effective, and maintaining a customer is far more valuable than the investment to bring a new one in, relationships are that way too. My golden rule is to look for ways you can invest in their life, work, or family to bring value. If that is your goal customer service, business relationships, and networking will be genuine and intentional.
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